Friday, December 22, 2017



We eat our fears, hatreds, prejudices
and think we become stronger by them.
Not knowing they are empty calories; we love the taste.
We have become as polluted as the politic
we strive to kill and save. Just  one  look—
we are all driving through a crash scene
and can’t avert our taste for destruction.

© M Durfee

G-Man had he stayed with us just would have had a birthday this past week. I am sure it would have been a kick ass affair. Yet somehow the 55 words of whatever you choose remains with us, how many years has this been going on? Well before I ever met the man of G.

But I am here, I am writing albeit sparingly and without hope, so today's Offering is self evident and linked to Joy at VERSE ESCAPE.

it is odd, in Venezuela they have federal police controlling crowds who are starting food riots and mass protests. IN America we have a government that needs no such show of force, we sigh, accept, and move on to tomorrow. 


  1. The title is perfect, Mark--I am pretty sure castor oil is as close to a poison as medicine can get. If it might serve as an emetic for all those devoured fears and hates, I would be wishing it on the entire population--and perhaps that's what fate intends, as slow poison seems already at work. This is very much worth waiting to read, condensed and to the point. I'm glad you could get it out, and so would Galen have been. I left a birthday message for him on his ghostly facebook wall--typical of the times, I suppose, words electronically floating on lost air. Thanks for contributing, and may I offer the forlorn hope that all that plagues us nationally and politically gets a real ass-kicking in 2018.

    1. Joy I agree with all you said--your care for Galen still and your hope which is mine as well except I will forgo the forlorn and have simple trust that the man behind the curtain is exposed early rather than later.

  2. It's like the metaphor of which wolf wins, good or evil. and the answer is the one you feed

    1. I can see that Charles--both wolves are going to eat one way r the other but which gets the prime meat is the one that dominates the pack.

  3. Castor Oil was actually a favorite "torture" of fascist mobs, something I learned in David Kertzer's book, "The Pope and Mussolini." When the church stood against the fascists, they were known to force priests to drink a liter of the stuff. This tidbit of info might even make your title even more ironic!

    1. Jeff it always looked like torture on the little rascals when some adult would make one of those kids take a table spoon of the stuff.

      It seems a rather easy way to torture someone, I mean since the reformation the Catholic Church has been quite creative in the ways of torture.

  4. The false relief it brings is perfect. I think the hatred is like peeing in bed... at first it's warm and nice, but after a while we just have to pee again to keep it warm.

    1. Bwahahaha I certainly have to agree that too many people are caught up in the cycle of belief that they truly do not comprehend.

  5. When we fail to speak and do and to accept that we see, we become accomplices of whatever wrong we ignore. Too many of us seem to confuse complicit behavior is politeness--the mistake will cost us... I hope it doesn't cost us everything.

    Your note touches deeply.

    1. Thank you Magaly. Until recently I always tried to be polite rather than just throw the chum of my thoughts into the water. It certainly makes it interesting.


So Walking Man I was thinking...