Saturday, August 26, 2017



The language of his body,
the position of an arm, a leg,
the eyes looking away,
a sex doll mouth always looking like
it’s prepared to give a subtitled blow job.

We are going deaf to words spoken
trying for meaning by getting louder.
We are stuck reading of off camera events,
with nothing undefined for us.
No subtitles provided for clarity only agitation.

Teleprompters rule the world
until they fail in the reader’s eye,
then chaos comes in 140 digits
bullshit set loose @ anyone with an account
to hide that sucking subtitled mouth.

We have come to this place of comic tragedy
where everything is pay per view,
I have no cables connected;
only electroshock headphones,
therapy designed to block vision.

I have no trust that truth is heard.
I am losing my rational mind.
Dementia must be creeping in.
Nothing makes sense in the grind.
Illusion is truth, delusion reality.

We look for the signs
of a life that can’t be,
shouldn’t be, genuine; but are.
I don’t trust subtitles anymore
they like words spoken, lie.

© M Durfee


  1. This one of the best poems I ever read, friend Mark ... cuz it's true ... I stopped watching TV 4 years ago ... and that was prolly the best thing I ever did in my life ... now I just live my life because this is my life ... and I like it that way ... smiles ... simple words spoken by a simple cat, age 61 ... meouw ... Love, c.

    1. Simplicity, Meowmomma, is the one unattainable goal for most of mankind, so we spend our time trying to decipher the clues instead of just unloading the unnecessary.

  2. ' cables connected;
    only electroshock headphones,
    therapy designed to block vision.

    I have no trust that truth is heard.
    I am losing my rational mind..'

    god I feel like this every time I see It on tv. The old trainwreck you can't look away from analogy doesn't even come close to the spellbound repulsion. Excellent piece, Mark, clean and cold as a new handgun.

    1. I have come to a place where I trust my ability to fire accurately far more than I do my desire to understand what the fuck most things I see really are saying to me.

  3. Man you hit the nail on the head with this one.

  4. I feel as if I'm living in a parallel universe, it may look the same but something is off, where right and wrong have changed places, where the ridiculous rules and thinking is frowned upon, where did their programming go wrong, why do I see it and no one else, am I going mad???
    Hallo Mark, it's good to hear your voice again, standing strong this end, stand strong too, "the insane are ruling the asylum"

    1. Good lord Shadow i was thinking that I may be alone in this place where up is down and down is up, it isn't easy walking through the life we have with only the reverse reflection of a mirror to see with.

      Shadow I am kind of stymied right now, I have come to the place of the curmudgeon where I don't have a place of self. *meh* It ain't so bad a place but diversion becomes paramount to noble stands.

  5. Good one, you bring out many important points about the world in which we're now living. Thanks.

    1. Thank you Jeff--most of what I think of this is simply I do not understand this era. History and 20/20 are much simpler for me right now.

  6. The Walking Man has risen!

    Ah, yes. Screaming doesn't mean anyone will hear.
    Ringing in the ears is just background noise.

    1. Jean Yep risen off my ass from the easy chair to sit my ass at the desk for a minute or two. Screaming has not been my style for about 25 years, it accomplishes nothing much but dusting off the deep vocal chords. Silent bemusement is great except for the screaming in my head.

  7. It seems like truth is now not absolute but relative. As if truth is a multiple choice question and we get to chose the answer we want. Like I am a squirrel.

    Lone Grey Squirrel.

    1. Squirrel I have always defined truth as an absolute objective understanding, but much like pronouns, it does seem to have become fluid and open to interpretation. Honesty, the subjective view, is good enough for some, not me, I will deign to assign whatever pronoun a person wants but it does not seem to alter my understanding of truth as it knows itself to be.

  8. Your USA politics is really insanely chaotic ~ Do we all read tweets now, before discussing things in a rational manner ~ I pray that the good citizens wake up and do something ~ I feel helpless watching you guys stumble into the deep darkness ~

    Hope you are well Mark ~ peace ~

    1. Grace--chaos was inevitable. Most likely it would have been silent rage, just like what we witnessed for the passed Obama years, but chaos none the less. Our problems stem right from the very first day someone decided to emigrate here in the 17th century.

      They came here to find "whatever" freedom from "whatever" but once established never allowed others to fulfill those same desires. Americans really do not like each other very much, it comes from the idea that my neighbor is in direct competition with me or is about to try and remove something from me because they feel injured by something or some situation 99.9999999999999999% of the population was not involved in.

      The nation has been headed for a train wreck (again) for a number of years, this time it may just be like Sherman's march through Georgia and leave nothing much behind it but scorched earth.

      And like a train wreck, no one will be able to look away; only duck the flying shrapnel as it comes apart.

  9. Right on, man! Trump meets Samsara and The Wheel of Life. Crushing.

    1. Erik the Donald definitely could use another go round, maybe this time as a runt in a litter of pound dogs. That would be step up from the nest of cockroaches he spent his life in.


So Walking Man I was thinking...