Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wedi gweld mewn mannau eraill a'i dychwelyd hyd eto yma


We are born,
we live,
we die,
we hope for life beyond that
expecting something
maybe a glorious


from an end that marks a new beginning.

Fuck me

What is this within
if not one moment
and the next
ever depending on the thoughts
on which I dwell.

I do not care what flies
on the morrows wings
for I have no promise of being here
for the seeing the thing.
I just took a breath,
but am not promised another.

Mother spread her legs
out came I,
yet here still.
There is nowhere
calling me to later
beyond the breath I take
this moment.
This is life, it gets no better.

                                                                        © M Durfee

I have a childhood friend who is ever on my ass to move, to get out of this city, maybe this explanation will serve, maybe not, but I am as I am and I am not deceived by what my eyes see.


  1. AMEN ... slowly getting there too ... Love, cat.

  2. There IS no tomorrow, as we all know. Yesterday is no longer with us either.

    So, NOW is the hour. The only hour that counts. As you poetically say Mark.

    1. The thought is TOO Buddhist for many but that is the good thing about truth Philip, it has no regard for what i or anyone else believes.

  3. Fine poem. But how can we tell.? No intimations of immortality, WM?

    ALOHA from Honolulu

    1. we hope for life beyond that
      expecting something
      maybe a glorious


      from an end that marks a new beginning.

    2. Cloudia everyone hopes for the eternal or another shot a life, I am no different and i believe this minute of time we call life is but a station on the journey's route.

  4. Now is the moment, now is the life ~ But it wouldn't hurt to check out other cities ~ Who knows you might like it, smiles ~

    1. Grace I originally wrote this to Dave but it is applicable

      get out a map of North America, find Detroit, Chilliwak British Columbia, Moose Factory Ontario, Ottawa Ont, Cape North Nova Scotia, Eastcourt Maine, Bar Harbor Maine, Boston MA, New Bedford MA, NYC, Philadelphia, Atlanta GA, Key West FL, NOLA, San Diego, Big Sur CA, Berkeley CA, Whidby Island WA, these are the farthest reaches of my travels Dave, and a hundred small towns in between that were beautiful, easy on the soles and soul even them that the Steeples competed with the grain silos to be the tallest structure in town. Some I spent a day in three of the cities a year or so.

    2. Grace I know there are a few places, much smaller than a city, much more quaint to my eyes i could go---but my concern is people basically except for the rare one, all work the same way. I would leave here to escape the violence, bigotry, and racism, but everywhere i have been i have seen it expressed just coming out of mouths with different colored skin, or learned behaviors. why move from Detroit to Detroit?

  5. I really think that you know where you need to be. I am here for the duration. Or at least I hope so, unless I get too old and incompetent to protest.

    1. Syd i am here for today, tomorrow may change my mind but for now though more expensive than most places i can think of wanting to be, this place is as good as any I am prepared to deal with.

      I enjoy your contentment in your space Syd. It is a proof that realities are individual and contentment is not place determinant.

  6. you are a troubadour, mark. this one's another stark beauty.

    i agree with grace about a change of scenery. your talent won't let bitterness take over, but you get close. i know you are going to tell me you are already plenty bitter :^)


    1. kj, angry more than bitter. If I turn my back to the decay and ruin around me I see a perfectly good house, well suited for two humans and a moose sized dog.

      I have seen other places, many of them, the one that truly sticks in my mind is not even on any maps unless you get in real close, Henry VA, pop about 200, in the foothills of the Blue Ridge But I and others are still giving this place CPR and it's not time to quit yet.

  7. Do what's right for you at the time Mark, tomorrow-who knows? You might be my neighbor!! xo

    1. doubt it kiddo, I am being taxed out of an ever increasing elitist Michigan.


So Walking Man I was thinking...