Friday, April 17, 2020


Boise Idaho
March 2020
c Kevin Frahm

The herd of sheep were driven to the state capital this week. I am not sorry because I laughed at them, I don’t like mutton. They are free to get sick and die. The shepherds do not care if they lose some—as long as they die protesting and carrying disease to the general population.

M Durfee

I am not feeling very poetic for the 55 challenge this week. In Michigan and other places in the nation the extreme wing of the Republican party whipped their followers into a frenzy over individual liberty. They probably understand the necessity for isolation and quarantine but they lost some power in the last general election in those states and need to make a point; attempting to stay relevant. Fuckers, just like during the Flint Water crisis they will sanction death before reason.

If you take up the 55 challenge the rules are simple—make your point using prose or poetry in 55 words, when you do link to Joy at Verse Escape and then go on to have a kick ass week end.


  1. Some serious prose to show us the bizarro world in which we now live. That last picture--we're finally there. The truth is unabashedly flaunted before our eyes, and what will we do about it? I think you've chosen a moment which will become archetypal of now, of this disease raging in our country--a disease of ignorance, fear and hatred as much as virus--a crossroads, turning point, whatever, when choices are not just made, but shoved into our faces and down our throats. Even sheep are dangerous when they're rabid. Thanks for adding this terrifying 55 to the pile, Mark.

    1. The one thing I still refuse to do Joy is allow someone else to do my thinking for me!


  2. Hi, meowpoppa:) How are you today? U no I went my own way a long time ago, took dat ring off a long time ago ... Doin ma own damn thang ... On occasion reaching out to fellow writers but usually get kicked at and questioned right away. Not that I care cuz i don't ... smiles ... Anyway, be well and stay safe, eh? Much love, cat.

    1. I am fine meowmomma-safe and well.

      You describe a freedom that most want but few have the gumption to take and maintain!

      Be well my friend!

  3. The title is a powerful lead into the center of things here! It is a crazy world we live in for sure! You have nailed it to the wall for us to see amazingly! Well done Mark! Stay safe and hang in there.

    1. Thanks for those words Carrie, may you also be well and safe. Never give in to the base nature of man!

  4. Every day I think, well, it can't get any worse. He can't do anything more outrageous. The situation can't get any more insane. And yet, I'm always wrong. There's just not enough WTFs to go around.

  5. From my time in Michigan, I have always been amazed at the extremist in that state. The tea party was very strong in Barry County and it was scary (as was our sheriff, who claimed constitutional authority to be a little dictator within the county boundaries. As a people, if we want to thrive, we have to depend on others. But some don't see it. Hang in there. -Sage

    1. Interesting insights:

    2. It is not inconsequential Jeff that the recent protests in the differing states are inspired by national "committes" and funds.

      In Mi the Michigan Freedom Fund started the ball rolling with a Facebook ad buy--they are led by Greg McNeilly, a long time DeVos family operative a political cover for them.

      It has since been reported that national committees have begun to put money and protestors in differing state capitals. Just like the Tea Party did.


So Walking Man I was thinking...